Ethical Principles

  • MediTerra – Mediterranean Social Studies Journal expects the author(s) submitting their work to comply with the journal’s publication principles and policies.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that the articles comply with scientific and ethical rules.
  • The author(s) guarantee that the submitted manuscript is original, has not been previously published elsewhere, and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere and/or in another language. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy, completeness and validity of the work.
  • In the submitted manuscript, all authors should have a direct academic and scientific contribution to the study (conceptualization, research design, data acquisition, analysis, interpretation or planning, execution, revision of the study). Persons/institutions that do not meet this criterion but contributed to the study (such as technical or financial support, material support, etc.) can be included in the ‘acknowledgments’ section.
  • After the manuscript is submitted to the journal, the names of the authors cannot be deleted, a new name cannot be added as an author, and the order of authors cannot be changed without the written permission of all authors.
  • Authors must declare any financial relationships or conflicts of interest that have the potential to affect the results of the research or scientific evaluation.
  • If the research is derived from a thesis, this should be indicated as a footnote on the first page of the article.
  • The source of funding, if any, received for the conduct and completion of the research should be clearly indicated as a footnote on the first page of the article.
  • Where necessary, all permissions must be obtained to avoid intellectual property infringement.
  • The production of any part of an article using an AI tool/large language model, including an abstract or literature review, is not acceptable according to the MediTerra – Mediterranean Social Studies Journal authorship criteria.
  • Generation or reporting of statistical reports and results of an article using an AI tool/large language model is not acceptable. According to the MediTerra – Mediterranean Social Studies Journal authorship criteria, the author(s) must create and interpret their own work. The author(s) are responsible for the accuracy, completeness and validity of the work.
  • The accuracy, integrity and validity of the data generated in the study are the responsibility of the author(s). However, it is acceptable to use an artificial intelligence tool/large language model to assist in the analysis of a statistical study.
  • It is acceptable to use an AI tool/large language model to correct the spelling and grammar of an article, to improve its language and readability.
  • Images generated by AI tools or large-scale generative models are not allowed for publication.
  • Retraction Request: In accordance with MediTerra Journal editorial policies, it is an exceptional decision to withdraw a study or article after the review process has been completed. In the event that the author(s) becomes aware of an inaccuracy or error in the published, early view, or under review manuscript, they may request a retraction. The author(s) has an obligation to cooperate with the journal editor in the withdrawal process. Author(s) who wish to request the withdrawal of a manuscript under review may submit their request to the Editorial Board via e-mail at The Editorial Board reviews the withdrawal notification and responds within 15 days at the latest. Authors cannot send their manuscripts to another journal for evaluation unless the withdrawal request is approved by the Editorial Board.

·       Studies submitted to MediTerra Mediterranean Social Studies Journal cannot be shared and used without the express permission of the author(s). In the evaluation processes of the manuscripts, the editors are obliged to keep all information about the author(s) confidential; the referees are obliged to conduct an objective review; the author(s) are obliged to present original work and to properly cite the sources they use.

·       The editors are responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal will be published, based on the importance and timeliness of the subject and the comments from the referees.

·       In cases where the manuscripts submitted to the journal do not comply with the purpose, scope and publication principles of the journal, ethical violations are detected or academic originality is not sufficient, the editors may reject the manuscript without sending it to the referees, stating the reasons.

·       Editors should consider the author(s) and the article(s) independently of their views on gender identity and sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, belief, political opinion, etc.

·       The decision to edit or publish the manuscript(s) belongs to the editorial board of the journal.

·       Editors cannot share information about submitted manuscripts with anyone other than the corresponding author, referees and editorial board. All information about submitted manuscripts is guaranteed to remain confidential until the manuscript is published.

·       Unpublished information in the manuscripts submitted to the journal cannot be used by the Editors without the express written permission of the authors.

      Reviewers should evaluate manuscripts independently of their views on sexual identity and orientation, race, ethnicity, nationality, beliefs, political views, etc.

      If reviewers have conflicts of interest with individuals or institutions that support the research, they should inform the editor before starting the evaluation.

      Reviewers should ensure that all information regarding submitted manuscripts is kept confidential.

      Reviewers should notify the editor if they notice any copyright infringement or ethical violations.

      Reviewers may not use unpublished information in the manuscripts submitted for their own research purposes.

      Reviewers should complete their evaluations meticulously and within four (4) weeks. When necessary, reviewers may be given additional time so as not to interrupt the review process of the journal.