MediTerra Mediterranean Social Studies Journal is committed to providing impartial evaluation of submitted manuscripts and upholding standards of publication ethics. The Journal adopts the standards on publication ethics set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Editors, author(s) and reviewers are expected to adhere to these standards rigorously. Manuscripts submitted to the journal will be thoroughly checked for originality using plagiarism detection software.

The Editorial Board and the editors of the journal have the right to reject outright any manuscript that is submitted to more than one place at the same time and is suspected of plagiarism. The manuscripts submitted to the journal go through double-blind peer review processes. The journal re-evaluates the revised manuscripts within the framework of the referee reports and rejects them directly if the necessary changes are not made. In case the referee evaluations are deemed insufficient and/or contradictory, the editors and/or the Editorial Board may review the evaluation process by appointing additional referees. In addition, duplication, false authorship, denied authorship, research/data fabrication, article slicing, sliced publication, copyright infringement, concealment of conflict of interest, etc. are all considered unethical behaviors. All articles that do not comply with ethical standards are removed from publication. This includes articles that are found to be unethical after publication. COPE Ethics Flowcharts are taken into consideration in cases of ethical violations. The editorial decision-making process of the journal is independent of any commercial interests or external influences.

For studies that require Ethics Committee approval (survey, interview, focus group study, observation, experiment), a document indicating that approval has been obtained should be submitted and this approval should be stated in the article. Information about the ethics committee approval such as the name of the committee, date and number should be included in the method section of the study on one of the first/last pages. The author(s) should disclose any potential conflicts of interest affecting the research or results presented in their article.